Treatments & Fees
Japan Trainers Association Member
At Miyake Sports Massage, all of our trainers are trained by the
Japan Sports Association. We have treated the Japan National
Soccer Team, J.League, JFL, and baseball teams, as well as
professional, amateur, student, and general sports teams. Our
trainers’ top-level skills and knowledge combine to create a clinic
that provides more comfortable and safer treatment - not just for the
sports industry, but also for pianists, dancers, operators,
entertainers, and the general public.

Our staff members primarily use our Miyake-style sports massage, which is performed along the direction and path of the muscles. Acknowledged by the world’s top athletes, this technique has also been widely used by sports enthusiasts, entertainers, dancers, artists, and the general public.

Muscles become stiff and inflexible with use, and this leads to poor joint movement. Stretching or lengthening muscles that have been prepped with sports massage can enhance the movement of muscles and joints.

We’ll use our extensive experience to combine sports massage with acupuncture and maximize relief of your symptoms.
Initial Consultation Fee:
Professional Athletes:
Treatment from the Director:
Oxygen Capsule:
Facial Acupuncture:
Taping Only (1 Area):
1,650 yen
9,790 yen
6,600 yen
12,100 yen
12,100 yen
1,650 yen
1,650 yen
550 yen and up

Rehabilitation for Pre-Exisiting Conditions
We provide the training you need to recover from various injuries and illnesses.
